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Obtain a copy of an exam from Indonesia, take the time to read the questions, and then answer it. -What is the student's Name? -What is your Name? -What subject are you studying in school? -In what year did you start learning this subject? -How long have you been learning this subject for each day on average (in minutes)? -Do you get any help from your parents when doing homework or going over notes for school exams? If so, how often do they help and what kind of help do they give you? // Provide one example. -Write a letter to a person of a different race about your friend, and what you know of your friend, without revealing too much information. Write the letter in Bahasa Indonesia. -In the United States, many people who are overweight or obese become addicted to eating or using unhealthy foods and drinks. In this activity write an essay describing what you think caused the popularity of these foods and drinks. For example, it is linked to being sedentary all day at school or work, through television viewing habits, social media use, health care system problems that lead to poor health conditions that lead to weight gain etc. -Fill in the blanks with verbs in the infinitive form. -Which is the best example of the biggest change that you have seen over the last year? -What are some changes that you think you will see over the next year? // Provide two examples. -Whose are your favorite characters? Why are they your favorite? -Fill in this chart to show how your feelings about yourself have changed over time. Include people, places, things, things done by people, and anything else you can think of. Use complete sentences and present an essay to explain your feelings about yourself. Use complete sentences and present an essay to explain what you feel others feel about you. -What is the most boring class you have ever taken? -Explain why you think it was boring. -Are there any teachers that you don’t like? What about them do you not like? -What is the best class that you have taken or taught? -Why do you enjoy the class so much? -Are there any favorite books that you would recommend to others, and why would they enjoy reading it as well as its author? // Possibly from a lesson on writing an essay by structure. There are different ways to structure an essay based on purpose, audience, and content of the work. -What are the three worst experiences you have had in class? -How do you feel? -How would you feel if this happened again? -What are the three best experiences that you have had in school? -What are some things that always make you happy while at school? // Writing a story that ends with a problem and then getting it resolved or showing some character development. Explain why or how. cfa1e77820

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